Jagriti " No Nation Should be Divided in The name of Race and Religion" ( Kamlesh Chauhan1991)

Dear Ms Chauhan,

Thank you and other members of "Jagrati" organization for giving us time and an opportunity to highlight the plight of Kashmiri Pandits/Hindus who have become refugees in their own country at the function organized to pay homage to Gandhiji on 2nd Oct here in Los Angeles.

Please continue to be the voice of those whose "Genocide" is either never reported or under reported.
I hope my educative speech about the atrocities heaped on my community of Kashmiri Pandits helped our august audience understand our concerns.Our next step is to meet a few congressmen/women to impress upon them to help our community in need.Tomorrow may get late as our community is on verge of extent ion.

Please convey my personal thanks and thanks on behalf of "Kashmiri Hindu Foundation.Inc" to your workers,
Thanks again
Amrit Nehru

Rep: Kashmiri Hindu Foundation,Inc USA


  1. Hi Dr. Nehru, Greetings. My sincere compliments for the great thoughts and opinions you expressed yesterday regarding Kashmir Issue. I regret due to certain inevitable circumstances my wife Lakshmi and myself had to leave early. I remember very well my Srinagar ,Kashmir times since 1960 and my schooling days at Burn Hall School. What a shame that a piece of heaven is turning into a hell. I fully agree with you that under the present state of circumstances a whole community could get wiped since it is almost on the verge of extinction. I pray for wisdom to prevail. Riots are no solution to any kind of problem they are itself a problem and a generation of youth gets innocently lost in between Best wishes.
    HARRY SHAD, Long Beach. (562)421-0100 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (562)421-0100      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

  2. Thanks Mr Harry for encouraging words. I prayer and Hope sooener our Young kashmiri realized its time to live peacefully with each other beside the different path we chose to follow . " No Nation Should be divided in the name of Race and religion ( Kchauhan)


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