Mother India

By: Kamlesh Chauhan (Gauri)

I wrote this article when I felt people who residing in America, Who are totally merging in to American culture and unable to teach their American born children where we came from.
I also believe when you are in Rome Live like Romans. Do we really know what it means? Actually, It means in very polite way to respect the culture, Respect their way of living, and abide by the  society as well land you adopted to live or Visit.
However in India We feel more proud being Brahmins, Rajputs, Dalits, Sikhs, Hindu and Muslims.  Religion is for our personal way of living for our personal cleansing of our minds and thoughts. Religion is for our personal Growth of Ethics and Morals. Don’t divide nation in the name of religion as well respect the nation which has long history of Ancient History.
We all are concern citizen of the Universe, who would like to send message to be united as human beings, we can’t let our Motherland’s heart bleed over and over again.  If you are not proud of India then you will not be honored as human either. If you slapped the womb of your own mother then you will be considered a citizen of any nation and Society Often will not trust you.  Kashmir a jeweled garden, a land of Hindu Rishi Kashayap, Punjab a Land of Hindus and Hindu religion which also became a newly found religion Sikhism. Sikh means a follower of True Followers of God. It does not says Hindus and brothers are different.  Punjab is the feeding ground of both Hindus and Sikhs who are twin sons of Punjab. How can we divide one body and soul, India the Country? Just because we got converted from Hinduism or separate beliefs and the faith we have chosen to follow.
Why go so far, we people especially from India migrating from India for any opportunity or better lives or we were arranged to marry a man or woman who were already living in America. Why go so far, lets peep into back yard our own Back Yard; our state California, Statistically we have a large Hispanic population overall. Some areas are predominantly Afro – American, then we have Asian Americans who are the major financial power land owners, also we have the Asians from India and Pakistan-basically the third world countries which contribute in large proportion to the professional and business arenas.

Should each cultural community segment start voicing its priority as a leader within this state? One can say they have right as they control as leader within this state?  But that will be futile.  Same goes for every states Of America? Are we going to Separate Hawaii? Are we going to Separate Alaska? It will not serve the purpose of human socio-existence. Uniting together and fighting separatism in reality we are fighting for humanity to survive. Throwing bombs at each other is bringing Global warming.  We have to shed our pettiness and leave the the future with broader ligament so that the young we raise must not become bitter and denounce their culture , ethencity and morals and create living hell for themselves; for the aged and future yet to follow. Those of us who made U.S.A, UK and Canada as our adopted land without any question. That bring Solidarity. We must practice solidarity as state, then as a country and then a part of universe.  Work to bring prosperity between our adopted land and mother country India. “No Nation Should be divided in the name of race and religion, caste and creed” (Kachauhan1999) 


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