Save the children of the world.: Kamlesh Chauhan(Gauri)

Save the children of the world.

Kamlesh Chauhan (Gauri)

I condemn the terrorist’s attacks anywhere in the world. USA keep on pouring money in Pakistan and those money does not go to poor people of Pakistan. It’s a responsibilities of citizen of Pakistan to root out the terrorists and terrorism from their soul.

Couple of days ago Saeed Hafiz have conference where he almost poisoned their people against India. I still don’t get it why Nawaz Sharif let that conference with took place on its soil? There are all the evidence India and USA gave to Nawaz Sharif but Pakistan played a dumb role in this regard.

Terrorism was sponsored in India from Pakistan which started from Punjab to Kashmir then we heard almost everywhere in the world. Pakistan still blaming India instead looking in to its own home and that’s they Tyranny of Pakistan. It’s time for Pakistan to ban all the terrorists’ trainings and Let India take care of Kashmir.  People of Pakistan need Love, Peace and education to be part of progressive world than getting known for terrorism. Stop talking about revenge. Stop accusing India for everything for your own actions. Indians are very forgiving people which Pakistan take full advantage of it.

Religion does not teach to train Suicide Bombers, Stone Pelted and hating other way of life. God made one earth to live for mankind. God gave us one roof name sky to have shelter under. God created rainbow for all of us to enjoy the seven colors of the world. Then why in the world we want to divide every nation in to separate place in the name of Race and Religion. If you really believe in One God then learn to live under one roof.

I am so sad Pakistan is not cleaning the terrorism from his soil. USA should only give money to Pakistan when Pakistan wipe out all the terrorists groups from Pakistan, POK  to Kashmir India. Save the Children of the world.
अल्लाह तेरो नाम ईश्वर  तेरो नाम। सब को सम्मति  दे भगवान। 



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